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VEGAN 2050
Question: So Tired?

I'm 18 years old and just recently became a vegan and I am feeling SO tired during the day! But why?? (my sleep schedule is going to bed around 9 or 10 PM and waking up at 6:00 AM, is that not enough sleep? Or is the reason for my tiredness something else??)My mom was suggesting maybe I'm not getting enough Iron? I just don't know!
(By: Erika)

[By: @ 2010-01-15, 05:34 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

ANS: Question: So Tired?

Well Erika,

When a person makes such a dramatic change in such a short time there will be needed adjustments. Give it some time for your body to adjust to a better diet. Of course you may not be getting everything that you need in your diet. All vegans need a B-12 supplement. Of course most "meat" eaters also need additional B-12. I strongly suggest a multi-vitamin for vegans and non-vegans.

The amount of sleep depends on each individual. Eight hours should be enough. What ever made you feel good before you became a vegan should be the same that you need now. BTW, Iron supplements are low priced so if you are worried about not getting enough than just buy some. Frankly I doubt that you have an iron deficiency. I just think that you need time for you body to adjust. Also you need to make sure you are eating a good vegan diet. A junk vegan diet is one of the worse diets that you can eat. On the other hand a good vegan diet is one of the best diet that you can eat. If you have more questions, please ask. We are here for you.

Dr. Weseloh

(By: David A. Weseloh, Ph.D.)

[By: @ 2010-01-15, 06:01 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

ANS: Question: So Tired?

So what exactly IS a "junk vegan diet"?

(By: Erika)

[By: @ 2010-01-20, 06:26 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

ANS: Question: So Tired?

A junk vegan is a vegan that eats a lot of junk food like potato chips, sodas, candy bars, and other things that are not nutritionally good. Just think of junk food that a flesh eater eats and that will give you an idea of what a junk vegan is. They do not eat flesh, dairy, or eggs but they also do not eat nutritionally good food.


(By: David A. Weseloh, Ph.D.)

[By: @ 2010-01-20, 08:22 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

Vegan Skin Cream

Is skin cream that is made with the foreskin of baby boys considered vegan?
(By: Trisha )

[By: @ 2023-12-28, 19:13 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions

Re: Vegan Skin Cream

> Is skin cream that is made with the foreskin of baby boys considered vegan?
> (By: Trisha )

In my opinion, definitely no. It could only be debated if the boys had given consent, which is not the case in this situation.
(By: m)

[By: @ 2023-12-28, 19:32 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Health Questions