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VEGAN 2050
New Way of Eating

I saw Dr. McDougall, MD. for the 1st time a week or so ago and was so impressed that I have been off of all meat, poultry, fish and dairy products for a week now. I am committed to continuing this since I have 4 stents in my heart artery. I am taking lots of meds and hope to reverse the damage done to my arteries. My question is...can I expect detox reactions from changing to a vegan diet? How soon will I begin to feel the difference?
(By: Patricia Bree)

[By: @ 2011-01-20, 20:21 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan

ANS: New Way of Eating

Sorry that you haven't received a response before now. By now you have probably experienced many differences if you have been able to maintain the vegan diet. Depending on what foods you are eating the reactions will vary. You should have experienced increased energy and probably some weight loss too. On the negative side you may experience headaches as you detox but these will go away. I'd be curious to hear an update on your journey so far.

[By: 0 @ 2011-05-23, 22:31 | Reply | Print ]
Category: Becoming a vegan